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Lies and More Lies!

Lies, Lies and More Lies!

That's right, low carbs! Don't you believe that crap about eating whatever you want and losing weight, those days of stealing your money wiht lies like that is over. Check out what Science Daily has to say about eating low carb and losing weight.

Low Glycemic Index Diet Best For Weight Loss And Cardiovascular Health — The most effective diet for weight loss and cardiovascular health is a high carbohydrate plan based on low glycemic index (GI) foods, according to a study by University of Sydney researchers. Science Daily (July 26, 2006)

Weight loss is just as much a mental game as it is a dieting game. It was created by someone who has been where you are and understands what it feels like to hide behind a too tight jacket, uncomfortable shirts and embarrassing too tight, but too broke to buy new ones, clothes.

I Lost The Extra Fat Weight, Lost Massive Inches, Regained My Energy And Became The Person I Knew I Was Born To Be... Throw the rest of your diet plans and negative defeating thinking away. If you are like me, you get exited for a few days on a new program and then you lose interest or motivation. Not on my program!

Bye-Bye Thunder Thighs!!!

"It is a miracle that I am standing before you wearing these skimpy red Nike shorts with out a hint of self-consciousness or shame. As a matter of fact, it was exactly two years ago that I found myself in a department store dressing room bare to my underwear and in shock that my once “claim to fame” once beautiful legs had gone sour---to cottage cheese thighs that is. I stood there in shock and I realized that I would probably never see my legs thin, defined, or sculpted and free from the ripples, hills and valleys that are common to legs that are a victim of cellulite. “What a mess I am”, I thought to myself and that’s when the last ounce of self-hated filled my low self-esteem cup to over-flow.

Victoria's amazing Quick Start Energy Program literally caused the cellulite to VANISH from my legs! Now, my legs are smooth, silky, strong and defined. I have the confidence to wear shorter skirts, and yes, these fabulous red Nike shorts! In addition, her Vertical Training techniques have given me a slimming dancer’s body. Her program saved my life, and now I am helping others experience the same results. If you haven’t made up your mind yet to make a u-turn from thunder thighs to thighs that make men take a double look, then perhaps my success story will inspire you to have hope once more. Enjoy!!!